Rant about WKWebView

It’s been a while since my last post, but I’ve been really busy with work: old work - last submission to Apple of the Quandoo app was basically on my last day at 5.00 PM, oh man what a great day :) - and new work, that is my new adventure at Axel Springer and a handful of small projects I’m working on just to try new things.

I’ve been working with WKWebView for a month now, and I haven’t seen one thing I could be happy of. Maybe it’s faster, fine. But why on earth did they release such a faulty class and didn’t fix it yet, it’s beyond me.

1) Forget about NSURLProtocol

Ok, that might be because it makes out-of-process requests. Still, d’oh.

2) Forget about loading local HTML files

Really, if you wanted to use the blazing fast WKWebView Javascript engine to power your new hybrid app, forget it as well. Or just run your local HTTP server on the device, because why not?

3) No cookie management

Ok, it sounds like I’m just saying things to make WKWebView look bad now. Then check this.


  • Lack of cookie management (rdar://17486250, rdar://18180302)
  • Lack of protocol handling (rdar://17177376)
  • Missing request bodies (rdar://18399639)
  • File upload issues (rdar://18350812)
  • Limited SSL cert handling (rdar://18494626, rdar://18517043)

4) Bonus point. No storyboard support

Given the previous points, this may be not that bad. Still, why shouldn’t it be possible to just put a WKWebView in a storyboard? Nope, you need to create it in code. Nice job, Apple :)

I think I’ll just go back coding and making SourceKit and Xcode crash some more. It’s too much fun (?)